So here is image #10K taken yesterday on my short little walk at Salt March Pond in Gilford.
I call it ..
"Now, why did I think it would be a good idea to store my boat right-side-up by the lake all winter?"
Aperture: F/20; Exposure: 1/15s; ISO-100
Not a particularly good shot, but it is a milestone, so that's why it is here.
I wish I had kept my original #1 shot. Would have been fun to compare. Must have been bad because I didn't keep it. And I keep EVERYTHING...It was probably a shot with my lens cap on..I still do that now..ha ha. but yes I keep most of my images. I keep them backed up on an external hard drive. I store them in folders by year, by month, and then by day or event. Such as
My Pictures:
2011-04-17 Salt Marsh Pond
And I periodically back that hard drive up to another external harddrive. I really should look into also backing up to Carbonite or something. It would kill me if I lost all my work.
Coincidentally, I am now listening to Pandora radio, and a Carbonite ad started...Must be a sign...So I downloaded it and will install it later.
Ok, lunch-time is over...back to work. See you back here tomorrow
ahaha, at least i know that its not just me with all the storing and filing!