
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Project 365: 1-26-11: Lady of the Lakes

This scene is of the Lady of the Lakes Church in Lakeport, NH. I was going to an indoor yardsale just down the street from this, and took the opportunity to catch this shot of the edge of it's roof and bell tower. The sky was a gorgeous blue the day after a snowstorm. That, combined with the tree in the background gave it an interesting composition, I think. I don't mind the snow as long as the sky is clear and sunny.

This is known as the Diaper Church in Lakeport...Not to be confused with the Diaper Church in Gilford.

Lady Of The Lakes

Aperture: F/8; Exposure: 1/250s; ISO-100; Taken: 1/15/2011 at 8:53am with Telephoto

And no, I didn't go to church after taking this...It was Saturday...(Not that I went Sunday either)....To quote Larry the Cable Guy: "Lord, I apologize...."

Speaking of that yardsale...I bought I couch/loveseat set and I have to pick it up tomorrow...And we're getting another snowstorm tonite...I've got a baaadd feeling about this...Shoulda gone to church...


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