
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Have you seen my Hammer?

Major accomplishment done today! I cleaned up my workshop which has become a catch-all for everything in the house that we can't find a home for. Basically, it was getting to the point that I couldn't find a hammer, or could barely even get in there. So, with an empty house, and a 1/2 day to myself, I was off and running...
But before I did that, I set up my camera (I know-can you believe it!), and hooked it up to my laptop, and tried out some time-lapse photography...Check out this 49 second video. All pictures are taken with a wide angle lens, speed 1/10s; aperture: f/4.5; ISO-200. Strung together with Windows Live Movie Maker...

So now I have my tools all accounted for and organized, and I'm ready for the next project...Hopefully not too soon.

Task for tomorrow? FOOTBALL!

1 comment:

  1. Good Job Dad! I did that with my craft table the other day! I need a bigger table.....
