
Monday, May 13, 2013

P52 Week 19: Emotional Roller Coaster

Ah! My last day working at DSCI. 15 years of blood, sweat, and tears coming to a close. I started a job search February, because, well, it was time to move on. And after finding nothing in my area of NH, we decided to sell our house and move south. And that's why we're ending up in Charlotte, North Carolina. Jobs for data gurus are more plentiful, the weather is better, we wanted an adventure, and hey, I got a great job offer!
But despite my big smile here, I have ridden a roller coaster of emotions since getting my offer 2 weeks ago. It was tough giving my notice to my friend of 15 years, but it was tougher telling my family and friends that we're moving.
The last week has been filled with family and work farewell get-togethers. Lots of laughs and teary so-longs.

My little sis who surprised my today with a visit!

 Some of the gang from work

Me & Mom!

Me and Sister Susan, & Brother John

Golfing with my boy (who whooped my ass again)

It is tough moving on since I don't move very often. But I'm doing my best to have faith in myself, and faith in those that I'm leaving behind, that we'll all be ok. It's the right thing for me and Sue to do right now, and I'm looking forward to this new chapter. And looking forward to new sights to capture with my Canon!
I'll be shoving off on Thursday, driving a moving truck and towing my car. Two days travel, 1 day to unload the truck, one day to recuperate, and then the new job begins!
Be sure to follow my journey!


P.S. The next time we meet, I may have a southern twang...I want to apologize for that in advance. ;-)

Monday, May 6, 2013

P52 Week 18: Fo' Sale, Fo' Sure

Nope, not selling prints this week, No time for that. Just selling a house and a trailer.
I'll be moving to Charlotte in 10 days, and we've been scurrying around packing and purging...It's amazing how much STUFF you accumulate in 13 years of being in one house. And it's amazing that when your back is to the wall and you have deadlines, how quickly stuff becomes unimportant. For instance, I was originally going to have a yard sale. But with my time at a premium, I decided it was more important to spend time with family, than sit in a driveway selling items for cash. And it wasn't worth hauling everything with us and putting in storage. So, Goodwill has made out quite well this week.
Well maybe I will sell a print this week. Just buy this print of my home for $225K and I throw in the actual house for free. Check it out here on Craiglist 

And we also need to sell our trailer/Golf cart in Weare NH. For 18K. It is at Cold Springs resort. And the park rent is paid thru October! Buy now and enjoy relax this summer!

(Just built a deck too!)

So if you are looking for permanent residence, or just summer residence, Let me know! These are priced to sell!

In closing, I feel I must prove that despite my hectic schedule this year, I have not given up my passion for photography.

Ok, now I return myself to my regularly scheduled appointment with the garage....Or was it my workshop?...Or my closet?...Good grief....

See ya!