
Thursday, November 10, 2011

2011-11-09: AHHH. Almost Midnite!

I'ts been a long day... Got a ton of stuff done tonite. Calendars done...Website almost done....I've been uploading pics to my new website which should be done within the next week...And I was ready to hit the hay when I realized....BLOG!!!! I forgot the blog!!!!!!  Ok, so with 2 mins before midnite, I'm going to have to post something that I've been hanging onto.  Here's some little weedy thing that I found by the side of the road recently. Not exactly sure what it is but thought it looked cool, and it gave me a chance to use my 90mm. Any idea what it is?

Ok, sorry it wasn't a very interesting post, but I'll have some good stuff soon...Keep an eye out for the unveiling of my new website...
And just found out I'm covering the Div IV football game Saturday in Manchester. Plymouth vs Trinity. Wish it was Laconia in there, but Plymouth just edged them out last Friday. Oh well. Sorry Coach Craig...Get them next year...
Ok peeps. Post in..Em over and out. Night.

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