
Thursday, November 3, 2011

2011-11-03: Repairs Needed

Ok, I've sufferered long enough...I've had a few nagging black specs in my camera for the past 8 months or so. I've tried everything I know of to clean them out and have had no luck. If there is ever a light scene in my shots, I've had to photoshop them out, which is a drag. So today I'm going to stop by Concord Camera on my way to a meeting in Manchester, and see about getting it cleaned out professionally. I heard they can do it in store for only $20! WOW! I've been afraid to leave my camera anywhere for fear that I'd be without my securtity blanket for weeks. If they can do it today that would be awesome! In the meantime, here is a shot of some Beech leaves from my trip up in Maine. (Black Specs have been surgically removed using Photoshop).

My Father in law told me that Beech trees are a pain in the neck. Apparently, the leaves block the sun which prevents the sap from warming up and running in his sap lines. Never noticed that Beech leaves stay longer than other leaves. Hmm. Whatever...I think it looks pretty cool with a nice blue sky in the background.
Anyway, I'll let you know how I make out at the camera shop. Hopefully this will reduce my processing time in the future.
Have a good one

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