So I was away for a few days. Way up N-oth in the land of Ice and Snow...'Cept there was hardly anything. We kept hearing about all the snow back home. And how Gilford and Saint Alban's were both going to get 6-12". Well, Jordan who was watching the house confirmed that we had a ton in Gilford-about 18". His car was stuck in the driveway and he had to get a ride to work. Snowblower wasn't functioning very well. I found it hard to believe because there was only about 2" up in Maine where I was. Matter of fact, it melted by Sunday afternoon. There was barely enough to get this little guy built (He's only about 4 inches tall)
But we drove home last night and saw all the snow. So I believe it now. I even had to use a credit card this morning to scrape the windsheield on my truck so I could drive to work. Couldn't find the ice scrapers. Tonite's project? Locate the ice scrapers...And find out what the heck is the matter with the snowblower...I love the snow...grrrrrr.
Stay warm...And I hope you have power in your neck of the woods.
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