
Monday, April 15, 2013

P52 Week 15 - Reflecting

I'm sort of at a loss for words right now, which is not too difficult for me. But I had big ideas for a blog this week. We're on our way to the Carolina's for vacation, and a fact-finding mission, and in search of some new shots of America that I have never seen. We were stuck on I-81 heading to Hendersonville NC, when traffic came to a screeching halt for 3 1/2 hours. With no idea what had happened. Nothing on the radio except that their had been an accident. We groaned a bit, but made the most of it, despite being hungry and tired and thirsty. Then, while searching on line on our phones for info about the accident, we heard about the devastation in Boston....And we realize how insignificant our little inconveniences are. We are thankful that our family is safe and sound.  And our hearts go out to the victims and their families devastated by the cowardly acts of terrorism today. God bless them. And god bless the first responders. God bless you.. And God Bless America...

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